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Saying Farewell

Saying farewell to a loved one is never easy and we are filled with a range of emotions - some of which we don't understand and we can feel distressed, confused and overwhelmed.


We are here to help support you.


The last thing we can do for a loved one is arrange a funeral that reflects their life, their loves, their interests and offers us and their friends an opportunity to come together to give thanks for their life, to grieve together, to get support from each over and close a chapter, whilst another is being written.


For centuries our churches have been special places where people have come to celebrate happy events and also mark sad ones.  We will work with you and the undertaker to make the funeral of your loved one a special and fitting tribute and memory.


Some prayers

Father of all,

we pray for those we love but see no longer.

Grant them your peace; let light perpetual shine on them;

and in your loving wisdom and almighty power,

work in them the good purposes of your perfect will,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


We remember, Lord, the slenderness of the thread which separates life from death, and the suddenness with which it can be broken.

Help us also to remember that on both sides of that division we are surrounded by your love.

Persuade our hearts that when our dear ones die neither we nor they are parted from you.

In you we find peace,

and in you be united with them in the body of Christ,

who has broken the bounds of death and is alive for evermore,

our Saviour and theirs for ever and ever.  Amen.

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