January and February 2025
see lower down for services!
Dear Friend
You can find a list of Rectors/Vicars in most of our local churches. At Ampney Crucis the first incumbent was Thomas de Wade in 1304; at Down Ampney it was Wibert of Kent in 1258; Alexander of Bluntesden was the first Vicar of Harnhill in 1302; and at Poulton Thomas de Lechlade was Rector from1297.
These lists (a ‘rogues gallery’ perhaps?!) reminds a new Rector/Vicar that he or she is here for a season - a period of time. It’s always good for clergy to remember that they are passing through.
I have been in South Cotswolds Team Ministry for nearly 14 years. Some clergy on those lists have stayed for longer and some had shorter tenures. Last year I concluded that the time was coming for another new name to be added to the list of Rectors/Vicars beneath mine. New ideas, new energy, new gifts are required; I feel I have done what I can. We have loved being here and leaving will be a huge wrench.
on 5th January, I tendered my resignation to the Bishop, and my last Sunday Service will be on Easter Day. After that Nicola and I will be moving to Cirencester, so we won’t be going far.
As I enter my 65th year, I want to have some time to follow my interests. I also need to take some of my own advice that I give to others - to seize opportunities and do some new things.
When I retire, I shall not be allowed to officiate at any church services in this diocese for six months. After that time, I can then decide whether to seek the Bishop’s ‘Permission to Officiate’. I also need to be careful to respect the space and ministry of whoever comes after me in these parishes – I don’t intend to be the ‘Ghost of Christmas Past’, as it were!
Nicola and I have made many friends in these parishes – and we are enormously grateful for all the support, encouragement and help that has been given to us, and particularly to me in my time as Rector/Vicar. It will therefore be hard to leave and many people will continue to have a place in my heart (and that might just include you too!). Friends are indeed special people – but as my niece pointed out recently during a period of change in her life -
Some friends are for a reason,
Some friends are for a season,
Some friends are for life.
Whatever the reason we have shared moments of friendship, I will give thanks for people of the South Cotswolds into the future.
May God bless you on your journey of life wherever it takes you and may you always travel with friends.
As ever - John
The Rev'd Canon John Swanton
Rector of the South Cotswolds​
Services and Events
January and February 2025
Happy New Year!
A prayer for the New Year
For all possibilities ahead in this new year make us thankful, O Lord.
Give us wisdom, courage and discernment in the face of so much chaos, despair and fear.
Help us to see how, in our circumstances, we can contribute towards peace, faith and love.
And give us the will translate our desires into actions. Amen. Brother John Charles Vockler
Sunday 5th January Epiphany Sunday and 2nd Sunday of Christmas
10am Parish Communion Down Ampney
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 12th January The Baptism of Christ
10am Parish Communion Driffield
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 19th January The Second Sunday of Epiphany
10am Parish Communion Ampney Crucis
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 26th January The Third Sunday of Epiphany
10am Parish Communion Poulton
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 2nd February The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
10am Parish Communion Down Ampney
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 9th February The Fourth Sunday before Lent
10am Parish Communion Driffield
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 16th February The Third Sunday before Lent
10am Parish Communion Ampney Crucis
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
Sunday 23rd February The Fourth Sunday before Lent
10am Parish Communion Poulton
10am Word and Worship Harnhill
19th – 21st April BibLit – The Bibury Literature Festival
St Mary’s Church, Bibury, GL7 5NR
Hear and meet authors talk about their books –
Andrew Gimson, Caroline Montague, Sally Page,
Robert Hardman and more….
Please do get in touch with the Rector - John Swanton - for more information.
01285 851309